Fr. Dr. Zacharias George, Director SHSS and Deputy Registrar, ADBU participated in the Annual General Body Meeting of Xavier Board of Higher Education in India on 21-23 October 2023. The meeting under the theme: “Institutional Preparedness in the Current Context of Higher Education: Way Forward with NEP 2020” commenced with the Inaugural Mass presided over by His Grace Most Rev. Dr. Elias Gonsalves Archbishop of Nagpur & Chairman, CBCI Commission for Education and Culture, New Delhi on 21st October, 2023.

About 250 members of the AGM of Xavier Board of Higher Education, gathered at Rajagiri Business School, Kochi, Kerala, reviewed the past year’s accomplishments, discussed important matters and planned for the future of Xavier Board.

The event was a significant gathering of Professionals, Experts, Educationists, Administrators and Leaders from various Catholic Higher Educational Institutions. The selection of speakers like Dr S.C Sharma, Former Director, NAAC, Bangalore, Dr. N.V Varghese, Former Vice Chancellor, National Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, Dr. Shailendra Raj Mehta, President and Director, Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedbad (MICA), Dr. Jancy James, Former Vice Chancellor of MG University & Founder & Vice Chancellor of Central University, Kasargode, Kerala, Dr J.N Jayasankaran, Former VC of SCSVMV, Kanchi University, Dr. Aloysius Edward, Dean – Faculty of Commerce & Management & Director IQAC, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore were really laudable. Needless to say every participant found the lectures fruitful and meaningful. It has truly been an enriching and a memorable experience to everyone.

It was a time to remind ourselves to retain ethical and academic values that lay the foundation of higher learning, thereby remaining ever-faithful to the mission of higher education as a fraternity of educationists.

The three day conference explored the national and local policy implications, examined its nuances and generated ideas for holistic education. It highlighted the importance of integrating new age skills, the relevance and significance of implementing diverse pedagogies and praxis, and the need to invest in modern-day technologies that enhance such skills yet stay focused on the institutions vision and mission.