The University’s Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology in collaboration with CDAC – Pune and Silchar organized a two day workshop titled ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ at the University’s Azara Campus, 26-27 May 2016.
The workshop aimed at empowering northeastern manpower with IoT Skills to support Digital India and Smart City initiatives by Government of India.
The IoT is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The workshop conducted by resource persons from Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) Pune and Silchar was attended by 36 participants from eight different institutions including faculty members from the University’s School of Technology.
The details of the Resource persons in the workshop are given below:
1. Suresh V., Joint Director, CDAC Pune
16+ Years Experience in R&D, Software Development
2. Dr. Yumnam Kirani Singh, Senior Engineer CDAC Silchar
10+ Years Experience, Signal and Image Processing
3. Gita Yogesh Gosavi, Technical Officer, CDAC Pune
10+ Years Experiencein in Emerging Solutions and E-Governance Group
4. AmitKudale, Technical Officer, CDAC Pune
9+ Years Experience, Embedded System and IOT
5. Ch. Pradeep Kumar, Technical Officer, CDAC Pune
5+ Years Experience, IOT and Computer Vision
Commenting on the workshop, one of the members of the Organizing Team, Asst. Prof. Vijay Prasad said, “The workshop was very insightful and interesting as we learned about projects of the Smart City Initiatives and how we can play a role in its success.”
Head of Department, Computer Science Engineering Prof. Jayanta Yumnam added, “The workshop aimed to introduce the concept of IoT Landscape and give deep and inside knowledge about IoT with industrial application to build up each participant’s overall understanding of this important area.”