The Assam Don Bosco University’s School of Technology hosted a one-day TechnoCamp (Engineering Projects Competition cum Exhibition) in the Auditorium on Wednesday 29 January 2014. Besides, the continuous slide projection of the various exhibit items, the visitors were able to see the various innovations at work and discussed with the team that made them. Several students from neighboring High Schools attended
the Exhibition. Students of Class XI from the following Schools visited the Technology Exhibition today: St Claret Borjhar. KV Borjhar, Don Bosco Pan Bazar, Rajdhar Borah, and ICON Academy. The MBA Students of Don Bosco Institute of Management at Kharguli also visited and discussed business opportunity and partnership possibilities of the projects executed by Assam Don Bosco University’s School of Technology, 6th Semester B Tech students.
Some of the exhibit items included: Automatic Street Lamp system; Touch Alarm, Low Power FM Transmitter, Remote Controlled Home Appliance, 3D Led Matrix Display, Visitor Counter, Water Level Indicator with automatic start
and shut down system; Android Mobile Tracker, Object Recognition Using hand Gestures, HR Management System, Computer Games… and many others.