The Department of Civil Engineering organized a symposium on “Impact of Climate Change on the Hydrology of Brahmaputra Basin” on April 29th, 2017.
The invited speakers for this one day symposium were Prof. Rajib Kr. Bhattacharjya, IIT Guwahati and Dr Bibhash Sarma, Assam Engineering College.
Prof. Rajib Bhattacharjya discussed about the various morphological features of Brahmaputra and gave an insight to the climate modelling by GCMs and how ANNs can be utilised for climate forecasting. He also covered a very interesting aspect of water-energy nexus.
Prof. Bibhash Sarma explained the climate change scenario keeping the hydropower potential of the region as the main focus and showed some small hydropower projects that are functioning efficiently in the region. He also stressed the role of multipurpose reservoir projects as such projects are more economical since they can serve different purposes.
The purpose of the conference was to raise awareness amongst the participants about the present climate change, the challenges and risks it presents and finally the opportunities that can be explored with respect to the hydrology of the mighty Brahmaputra. As such, the symposium provided the participants with the opportunity to learn, identify ways to play an even more active role in addressing climate change, as well as working together in identifying further opportunities within the region.
An interactive session was also held after the symposium where the experts shared their views and suggestions.
Students, research scholars and environment enthusiasts of Civil Engineering Department from Don Bosco University and IIT Guwahati participated in the symposium.