The students of School of Social Sciences departments of Psychological Counseling and Social Work organized a pre-Christmas celebration at the Missionaries of Charity rehabilitation centre Guwahati, Saturday 15th November 2014.

The MC Sisters take care of Shanti Daan, a home set up by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta for over 300 destitutes, AIDS and TB patients, at Lankeshwar, near Guwahati University at Jalukbari.

The open air program which lasted two hours had songs, dances, and messages, and carol singing.


The students had gifts for inmates of both male and female sections, as well as for the Sisters and their lay collaborators who assist at the centre.

The program concluded with an open house dancing session with inmates and high tea for all.

Among those who gave Christmas messages at the event were ADBU Registrar Dr Basil Koikara and Controller of Exams Dr Francis Fernandez.

Four students from Master of Social Work first semester who have their weekly field work at the MoC institution are: Joakim Sangma, Nadine Jyrwa, Larikynti Dkhar, Linying Boko.

They are assisted by two, third semester students of Psychological Counseling Francis Sailo and Ikaly Sema who visit the centre every week.
In January 1995, Mother Teresa laid the foundation of the first AIDS hospice in Assam at Jalukbari. She returned in July 1996, this time on a wheelchair, to inaugurate the hospice.

The Missionaries of Charity branch in the city by the time of Mother Teresa’s beatification in 2003, (11 years ago) had catered to 2,166 orphans and malnourished children. Of them, 479 have been given for adoption and 57 married off. Another 1,299 were sent for international adoption through the Calcutta centre.