
The School of Life Sciences was inaugurated by the Vice Chancellor, Fr. (Dr) Stephen Mavely on 3rd August 2015 in the presence of the University officials, students and faculty of the School.


In his welcoming address, Prof. J. N. Vishwakarma, Director of the School of Life Sciences introduced how the dream of starting the School translated into a reality. He also briefed the gathering on the objectives and mission of the school and the importance of engaging in research.

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The Vice Chancellor, Fr.(Dr.) Stephen Mavely expressed a warm welcome and best wishes to the students and faculty of the School of Life Sciences. He reiterated how the dream of having a vibrant School of Life Sciences has finally come to a reality. He said that modern biology is an emerging field for research and teaching in connection to existing literature and also in its applications in real world.


The short and meaningful inauguration programme was organized by Sister (Dr) Shiny Thomas, Dr. Prosun Tribedi and Dr. Lalchhandami Tochhawng with the students of the school.