The Master of Social Work (Community Development specialization) students of Assam Don Bosco University went on a field trip (7th September 2013) to the Rural Resource and Training Centre (RRTC), situated at Umran in the State of Meghalaya about 3 hour drive from the university. “RRTC has a rich experience in working with rural poor, especially by providing skills and training in the organic farming, livestock management, agriculture low-cost and appropriate technology and entrepreneurship in the field of Agriculture,” says Lijo George one of the students. His companion Ibapaleishisha Rashir adds, “The centre imparts training and exposure to groups comprising of youth, women and men farmers, young entrepreneurs, school and college students and Government officers from all eight states of No rtheast India, numbering up to 5000 annually.” “Our main objective of the visit was to get an exposure to an integrated rural development approach leading towards uplifting and empowerment of agricultural community in a sustainable manner in context of the Northeast India,” explains student Marbakor Kharbyngar. One of the students Elpuis Lyngkhoi observes, “all along the Guwahati-Shillong Road in Ri-Bhoi area we see people selling of pickles made by organic food processing by RRTC. They also produce jam, jelly, squash and many other items and we learnt a lot first hand about the process.” The team of 23 students accompanied by faculty member Mr. Jacob Islary gained a wide range of information and knowledge about the variety of programmes and projects and to have a firsthand experience of organic homestead farming, horticulture, floriculture, fishery, herbal and flower garden, dairy, poultry, piggery and food processing. Established in 1990, RRTC run by Salesians of Shillong Province. The centre is perched on a hillock surrounded by a lush-green model
farm of 175 hectors with farm models such as, homestead farming, horticulture, floriculture, fishery, herbal garden, dairy, poultry, piggery and food processing.