Guwahati, 7-8 October, 2013 (C. M. Paul) – A group of 50 first semester students of the Masters’ program in Social Work from Assam Don Bosco University are undergoing two day (7-8 October) workshop in Counseling Skills and Techniques at Azara campus.


The day long sessions are facilitated by Sr Christine Mynsong MSMHC a post graduate degree holder in Psychology and Counselling from La Salle University, Metro Manila, in the Philippines.

“This segment is part of their mandatory course work in the first semester,” says coordinator of the workshop Mrs. Rachel Kabi.

Teaching the module over the last three years to MSW students Mrs Kabi says, “the counselling skills imparted right at the start helps students in their frequent outreach programs.”


The workshop stresses both on theory as well as practical. Skills taught include active listening, keen observation as well as interview techniques.

On the first day in the morning session itself, students are divided into groups of three, role playing, client, counselor and observer.

“The workshop gives me clues

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to understand my self better, why I do what I do, and reason for my aggressive behaviour and negative attitude,” says one of the participants.

“Confidentiality in counseling and the right to be informed in consent are absolutely important,” Sr Catherine warns the students who are into role play mode.

Sr Catherine also shared some dos and don’ts in professional counselling such as not to be involved with clients neither emotionally nor sexually.


She also advised them to stay away “even from social gatherings with your clients, and from counseling relatives and friends as we could be biased and not objective.”