As a part of an ongoing commitment to community engagement and health awareness, the Department of Social Work organized a comprehensive cancer awareness program in the Upper Tepesia Village on 8th November 2023.

The program focused on three significant types of cancer: breast, cervical, and oral. With the technical support provided by Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, the event was made possible and informative.

The resource persons for this program was Ms. Bhabani Hazarika, who brought her expertise to enlighten the community. She was supported by Ms. Hirumoni Roy, ANM, Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute and Mr. Phanidhar Kalita, Buffer Staff, Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute.

The primary objectives of the program were as follows: a) To raise awareness about breast, cervical, and oral cancers within the community. b) To educate the residents of Upper Tepesia Village about the importance of early detection and prevention. c) To provide valuable information on risk factors, symptoms, and available medical services. d) To promote a sense of empowerment and proactive healthcare among the participants.

The resource persons conducted interactive workshops that covered essential information about breast, cervical, and oral cancers. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions. Visual aids such as informative posters, charts, and videos were used to enhance the understanding of the topics discussed. Ms. Hazarika, Mr. Ali, and Ms. Sarma also shared clinical insights including risk factors, early signs, and the importance of regular screenings and conducted practical demonstrations on how to perform self-examinations for breast and oral cancers.

The event saw active participation from the residents of Upper Tepesia Village. The attendees engaged in discussions and expressed their concerns regarding cancer-related issues. The community showed a strong willingness to adopt healthier lifestyles and take steps towards early detection.