The Department of Management organized a workshop on ‘Communication and Group Dynamics’ on 21st March 2024 at Azara Campus with Ms Juhi Baruah, Director, Human Resources at the University as the resource person. The workshop delved into the intricate processes of group dynamics, including the FSNPA model: forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. This framework illuminated the stages through which groups evolve.

Through visual aids such as graphs and interactive discussions, attendees gained insights into the natural evolution of teams and the challenges inherent in each stage. A significant highlight of the workshop was the distinction drawn between groups and teams. Furthermore, the workshop delved into essential components of team building, emphasizing the pivotal role of communication, cooperation, collaboration, motivation, goal clarity, and leadership.

The session on interpersonal relationships introduced participants to the Johari Window, a model for understanding self-awareness and mutual understanding. Through discussions on the window’s quadrants – open, private or hidden, blind spot, and unknown or discovery – participants gained insights into how communication and empathy can deepen interpersonal connections and facilitate effective teamwork.

In conclusion, the workshop on Communication and Group Dynamics provided a comprehensive framework for understanding and optimizing group interactions and team dynamics. Participants enhanced their skills in effective communication, collaboration, and leadership, poised to contribute positively to their respective teams and organizations.