The University organized a one week workshop on Service Learning from 8-14 January 2020 at Tapesia Campus with Prof. Andrew Carlson and Prof. Suzanne Walfoort from Minnesota State University, USA as the recourse persons.
During this workshop, the resource persons engaged the participants in various activities with an attempt to make them understand the values and importance of Service Learning. Participants were grouped according to their departments and then were tasked to find out how best they can incorporate Service Learning in their academic goals and also in their lesson plans. These plans drawn with the guidance of the resource persons were then presented by each group.
Service Learning enables the integration of academic inputs, relevant community-centred activities followed and preceded by structured reflection in an intertwined partnership. It envisages the combined endeavors of faculty, students and community members to engage in a learning process that results in academic, civic and personal development while, at the same time, tackling the challenges affecting the wider society. Its strength lies in the transformational potential of a pedagogical strategy that evokes action, reflection and change: in our students, in us as educators and in our communities.
The University conveys its sincere gratitude to Prof. Andrew Carlson and Prof. Suzanne Walfoort and wishes them all the very best in all their endeavours.