Heeding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to hold digital India Week, the University, though in summer vacation, organized a program at its School of Commerce and Management campus on 4th  July.


Some 200 students, besides MBA students, other groups of young people from northeast undergoing various computer courses participated at the hour-long programme consisting of speeches and digital presentations.

Introducing the programme, Pro Vice Chancellor Fr Joseph Nellanatt highlighted the importance the University gives “to bridge the digital divide especially by making Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) accessible through easy to learn Spoken Tutorials promoted by IIT Bombay.”

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“Digital IT is power to share and collaborate,” said Chief Guest Mr Dinesh Pegu, Managing Director of Assam Electronics Development Corporation (AMTRON) speaking on the Government’s point of view.

Mr Anwar Shirpurwala, Executive Director, Manufacturers Association for Information Technology (MAIT) spoke on collaborating with the Digital India Mission. He called on students to come forward and be part of the Research Unit of Digital India Action Group.

Mr Vjiay Prasad, Asst Professor, at ADBU Department of Computer Science & Engineering & IT gave a presentation on practical learning aspects of Spoken Tutorial in helping students learn several Open Source Software.


One of the organizers of the programme technology evangelist Mr Lanu Ignatius is closely associated with Don Bosco Schools and Digital India Mission in Northeast.

While Fr Xavier Mattam, Asst. Professor compered the programme, Director DBIM Fr Johnson Parackal welcomed participants and Asst. Director Fr Bivan Mukhim Rodrigues proposed the vote of thanks.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Digital India Week on Wednesday, 1st July with a view to transform the country into a digitally-empowered knowledge economy. The Digital India project, a campaign promises broadband connectivity in all panchayats, wi-fi in all schools and universities and public wi-fi hotspots in all important cities by 2019.

The entire Digital India plan will offer five products including Digitising India Platform, digital locker, a national scholarship portal, e-Hospital and e-Sign. To help people associate with government initiatives the programme will have four apps like Digital India Portal and Mobile app, MyGov Mobile app, Swachh Bharat Mission app and an updated Aadhaar Mobile app .

The telecom ministry’s projects to create BharatNet in eleven States, set up Wi-Fi hot spots across the country, and lay the foundation for the next generation network, also form a part of the government’s plan.